the kind blog

We believe that knowledge is power, and not to toot our own horn, but we’re pretty knowledgeable at what we do. The Kind Blog is where we share design knowledge, business tips, general updates and a few other fun things we have up our sleeve.

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breaking down the different website platforms for your small business

Let me set the scene: a dingy classroom that reeked of B.O, learning about firewalls and computer security. That was my first day of post secondary.

Long before I knew anything about branding, my dream was to work at a ~trendy~ tech startup. I enrolled into a web development program at my local post secondary and showed up on the first day, bright eyed and bushy tailed.

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5 signs your business is ready to hire a graphic designer

We all know that marketing is vital for any thriving entrepreneur or small business. Yet, it often the first thing to get neglected when we’re busy (I’m guilty of this too). When you take a step back, do you feel proud to market yourself or do you die inside every time someone pulls up your website? If that’s the case it might be time for a change.

Unsure if it’s time for you to make the investment? Let’s walk through some signs it’s time to find a creative partner for your business.

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What happens when you stop the DIY and invest in strategy

Something that isn’t talked about enough in entrepreneurial and solopreneur circles is brand strategy. I am talking about going beyond logos and fonts and getting into the weeds about who your business is for and how you’re going to connect with them.

When you make the shift from fumbling around in design programs trying to DIY your brand to investing in a strategic plan for your business, several transformative things happen. This move towards strategy, particularly in branding and web design, can profoundly impact your business’s trajectory, reputation, and overall success. Let’s explain how it works:

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What makes a business thrive during economic uncertainty?

We've all been here. In challenging times, businesses often feel the squeeze. It's a period when spending might tighten, consumer behaviour can shift unexpectedly and cutting corners to save costs seems more and more appealing. Recognizing this can help us prepare and adopt a brand strategy to ensure our businesses remain resilient and responsive.

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how a personal brand can help grow your business

The TikTok kids these days are all about their ‘aesthetics’ but they may be onto something. Modern entrepreneurs are now challenged with growing an online presence, and a personal brand is a way to stand out amongst the noise.

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3 things you can do to make your DIY branding look more professional

Diving into the world of DIY branding can be both exciting and overwhelming, especially when you're determined to have your brand stand out in a crowded market. In our latest blog post, we share three actionable tips to polish your DIY branding efforts, making them look not just professional, but uniquely 'you.' From the strategic use of brand colors to the wise selection of fonts and templates, we guide you through the essentials of cohesive and compelling design. Whether you're committed to doing it yourself or considering the leap to professional design services, these insights will set your brand on the path to recognition and success. Join us as we explore how simple adjustments can transform your brand's visual identity

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2024 design trends we love

We’re only three days into 2024 but we’d be lying if we said we weren’t already excited with what this year has to offer for design trends. This year, we're seeing a fascinating mix of new and nostalgic elements in design. Trends like the return of natural materials and the rise of vibrant fluorescent colours are shaping how we approach creative projects. In this post we'll go through these trends, understanding how they can enhance and influence design in your business.

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why is graphic design so expensive?

Do you ever wonder why design feels like a hefty investment? Here's the unfiltered truth: designers don't just take your money; they make you money. Design is a crucial component of your business’s marketing, and cheaper isn’t better (we know this, right?) Let's dive deeper into the why.

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can branding *really* make your small business more money?

In today's competitive business landscape, small businesses need every advantage they can get to stand out and thrive. One often-overlooked secret weapon is a great design partner. At Kind Design Studio, we understand the power of visually appealing content, and in this blog post, we'll explore how strategic graphic design can have a significant impact on your small business's bottom line.

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the role of psychology in graphic design

If you will let me get nostalgic for a moment… reflecting back to when I was just a baby designer starting school. I was so excited to jump right into drawing and designing. I had my new markers and pencils ready - let's go. Imagine my surprise when there was 0 drawing, and I had to write papers on theory and do exams on letter forms. Uhh.. I thought designers just have fun and make things look good? Nope, that's not the case. Here are the ways that graphic designers use psychology daily in our everyday work.

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essential items for an impactful business launch

Launching a new business is an exciting (and scary) endeavour that requires a lil' bit of strategic planning and a lot of attention to detail. In today's *aesthetic* driven world, having unique, well-designed materials is essential for developing an impactful brand presence that leaves a long-lasting impression on your audience. To have a successful launch, here are our top five design items that we believe every business, small and large, should incorporate into its marketing arsenal before the big launch day!

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contact us

We are always looking to work with awesome people! If you're looking for a friendly and collaborative design partner to solve your creative problems, send us a message.