5 signs your business is ready to hire a graphic designer

We all know that marketing is vital for any thriving entrepreneur or small business. Yet, it often the first thing to get neglected when we’re busy (I’m guilty of this too). When you take a step back, do you feel proud to market yourself or do you die inside every time someone pulls up your website? If that’s the case it might be time for a change.

Unsure if it’s time for you to make the investment? Let’s walk through some signs it’s time to find a creative partner for your business.

you simply don’t have the time

Small business owners wear many hats, but they don’t have to. Part of growing your business is acknowledging when it’s time to offload. It can feel scary putting trust in someone else, after all nobody knows your business better then you however you’re not a professional designer and you don’t have to pretend you are.

How A Designer Will Help:

A professional graphic designer is going to learn the in’s and out’s of your business while bringing their marketing and design expertise to the table. They can get incredible work done in professional software faster than it takes you to open Canva and scroll through pages of uninspiring templates. Designers stay up to date on design trends so you can take peace of mind your business always looks on point and never outdated. So what I’m saying is you’ll be done fumbling around in design programs *and* gaining more free time back in your week (what’s not to love)?

you’re struggling with brand consistency

Most millennials, over 60%, expect a consistent brand experience across all platforms, that means everything looking flawless across socials, website and marketing. If you have team members throwing together marketing collateral when you need them (or worse, you’re doing it all yourself) thing’s are going to start feeling pretty disjointed.

How A Designer Will Help:

A graphic designer will work with you to elevate your small business with intentional branding. This could range from a simple brand refresh to a comprehensive, strategic rebrand. Regardless of the service, you’ll be provided with a fool-proof brand guide that makes creating future content a breeze while maintaining that beautiful consistency.

you lack confidence in your marketing

Ok, it’s time to get honest for a moment: does your branding or website leave you feeling slightly embarrassed or fear that you’re being perceived as amateur (no shame, many small businesses owners feel this way!)

If you dread marketing, raising your prices, or pitching yourself because of a lack of clarity in your brand, that's going to hurt your growth, right? Not feeling confident in your brand reflects in your sales, potential customers can feel the lack of confidence and that can really dampen your success

How A Designer Will Help:

We’re saying goodbye to coming up with*something* and praying it sticks. We’ll work together to dig deep into your brands values and purpose. We’ll nail your audience and messaging, then craft a beautiful, intentional brand to match. Once we’re done you’ll have so much confidence and clarity, you can’t help but want to flaunt your stuff.

you want to elevate your brand

Business is slowly growing, DIY isn’t cutting it and “this will work” isn’t actually working anymore. You know that you need to spend money to make money and you want to elevate your professional image. You’re in a position where you can spend on marketing but are uncertain if the investment will accelerate your growth.

How A Designer Will Help:

A good designer will make sure your marketing dollars work harder then you! Like everything, you get what you pay for when it comes to design (and cheaper doesn’t mean better). If you want to elevate your branding or website to something more strategic, ensure you research designers and their process. The creative process is collaborative so you’re going to want to find someone you vibe with can see them as the perfect creative partner for your business.

you want to reach a specific demographic

You offer an elevated or luxury service and you have a dream audience in mind but aren’t sure how to show up on their radar. You know the value and transformation you bring to the table and you just need to find your people (no more tire kickers, no more lowballers). You know Canva isn’t enough to grab their attention but aren’t sure where to begin.

How A Designer Will Help:

A professional designer knows industry trends like the back of their hand and knows what makes an audience tick. Using research, industry trends and psychology, designers go above and beyond colours to make sure you’re attracting your dream audience that trust your expertise and see the value in what you offer.

Is it time for a creative change?

Did any of this post resonate and you’re ready for a brand that feels authentically you, I’d love to chat and see if we’re a creative match made in heaven. Together, we’ll craft a beautiful brand that elevates your small business, builds your confidence, and connects with your audience. Here's to building a brand that you and your audience will love.

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